Sunday, August 19, 2012

I love boats...

When Rick and I moved here we made the command decision to leave our beloved caravelle in Iowa. That boat is 16 years old and has been the main source of fun for the past four summers. We miss that boat but luckily down here many of the people we have met have boats and whats even luckier is that Joe and Cher are willing to share their school boat bus "The Boston Whaler" and the "Red Beast". Today was our first boating day here and it was just like Iowa... except a few minor differences.

Our four boat caravan headed out the channel by Joe and Cher's house toward the Gulf of Mexico. This is obviously comparable to Iowa because it was like four boats leaving Saylorville Marina on the way to party cove. Joe and Cher divided their boats into a boy boat and the girl boat. The girl boat was the more important of the two because not only did it house the best people but it also had a grill... snacks... all the booze.. and a giant awesome pirate flag....
If you look closely we didn't have a flag pole so it is partially attached by chip clips.. how ghetto pirate awesome is that?!

The caravelle needs one 
The ride out to snipe was about 40 minutes and we were surrounded by the pretty aqua water. I can't even come up with something to compare that to except that Saylorville looks this blue green sometimes when there is an algae problem..

As we approached our location it was fairly obvious we were going to hate it... as you can see from these images..

Snipe is basically a party cove. Its located on the gulf side of the Keys and the depth of the area is completely dependant upon the tide. Today we visited during medium tide(?).. according to our friends there is a high-high, high, medium, low and low-low tide. I guess the tide was medium because it was only 4-4.5 feet deep and by the time we were leaving the tide was going out and it was nearing 3 feet. At some kind of low tide the whole area is a sand bar. Now the only complaint I had while we were at this beautiful location is well, its shark week.. and let me just say, again, that shark week was way WAY more fun when I didn't live so close to their home turf. I learned today that around the area of Key West they have nurse sharks, hammer head sharks, reef sharks, black tip sharks and bull sharks.... I don't know why I am ruining this post by writing that down but now you all know, your welcome for the knowledge.

Tomorrow starts a new work week and as usual new adventures down here..  Talk to you all soon. <3


  1. Everytime I hear Wild Ones by Flo Rida, I think of you two! Sounds like you are having a great adventure! As they say "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" and you seem to be living that little philosophy to the fullest! Love it! The blog is great! Love you, M.

  2. clap clap clap for the Thompsons from the Gunn kids---BoBo, Molly, and Cooper!
    Have fun in paradise and stay away from the sharks.
