Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Key West Film Festival

I can not believe it has taken me this much time to write about this event. I had the opportunity to participate in the inaugural Key West Film Festival opening night! It has been on my bucket list for a while to go to a film festival, like Sundance or Canne, but admittedly so this item is lower on the list. Luckily I am living on an island that had its first film festival. Yay! On Thursday, November 29, a group of us girls got together to enjoy a film entitled - "While We Were Here" staring Kate Bosworth.

Let me back up a few beats. Prior to the movie there was a lot of chatter regarding how fancy we were going to be at this event. Evening dresses? Fancy hats? Sunglasses? I mean how important did we want to look? Rick of course just rolled his eyes at me.. and in the end I don't think I looked that important. Jess, our  friend, definitely looked the part of a movie starlet:) She wore a giant black large rimmed hat and sunglasses. You can guess the hat came from Cher's wonderful closet. We all met up at La Tratoria for premovie dinner and drinks. After dinner we walked three doors down to the San Carlos. (Please google this building. It is beautiful and we have walked by it numerous times but I had no idea what was inside).

Walking up to the San Carlos there was a red carpet.. no I am not making this up, and also there was press. I have never been to a red carpet anything so this was a new experience and I was a little nervous about the protocol. Luckily, it was the opening night and there was not a large crowd so we were able to walk right up to the red carpet and start our approach. To the left the KWFF had set up a large screen for people to stand in front of for a photo op.

After taking our fancy photos we went into the beautiful San Carlos. The inside of the building has really remarkable tile work and enormously tall ceilings with a winding staircase to the right that lead to the second story. We were presented with the opportunity to get t-shirts, bags, and towels as well as we were handed our programs. We proceeded to get our seats and waited for the movie to start. Looking around the theater again I was struck by the beauty of the building. It was not the most comfortable theater I had ever been, but I enjoyed the history around me. Then to my surprise Dotcom from 30 Rock was standing on stage and he was introducing the first movie of the inaugural Key West Film Festival. Dotcom's name is Kevin Brown - I had to google it because I only knew him as Dotcom. After the brief intro the movie started (obviously). "While We Were Here" is about a young married couple who move to Naples Italy for a few months (or weeks?) while the husband participates in an orchestra. The wife is a writer and proceeds to explore Naples and the surrounding islands where she meets a young man. If you have not already guessed the wife proceeds to have an affair. I won't tell you any more in case any of you want to see it. I thought the movie was interesting.. at times difficult to watch for the content as well as due to the camera angles and movement. Also the entire movie was shown in black and white and not being used to this format of film can be somewhat distracting.

After the movie was played a short question and answer session occurred between the audience and the director/writer of the film. That part was interesting because she clarified character content and actions, as well as she explained the reasoning behind the black and white imagery.
Seat on the left is Kat Coiro - the writer and director of While We Were Here. 
For numerous reasons the entire audience was invited to the VIP post movie party! This was being held upstairs and there would be champagne. I think I said - numerous times- we should do this because when will I ever be here again? Especially in the San Carlos at the inaugural KW Film Festival! We walked back to the foyer of the San Carlos and that is when the night got a little more interesting. Due to Cher having a sensitive motion sickness button, she had to leave the film pretty early. While the remaining group watched the movie Cher proceeded to walk Duval and then made friends with some of the San Carlos employees. After the movie we met up with her - Cher notices Kevin Brown and decides she is going to meet him.. now. She walks right up to him and next thing I know they are taking a picture and even kissing her on the cheek.

We all had the opportunity to meet him after that, he is very tall and really nice. After chatting with Mr. Brown for a few seconds we proceeded up the winding stair case to the VIP party. I know what you are all thinking.. leather sofas, DJs and celebrities.. I can neither confirm or deny this due to be true.  haha I am kidding. When we emerged at the top of the stair case it was very mild. There was a stark white room with two entry ways that was filled with about 20 people. At the far wall sat a table with champagne. After a few cocktails and also a picture with Kevin Brown we headed home.
VIP Party ! aka the Champagne Room :) 

Cher, Carolina, Jess, Kevin, Me, Annette and Erin 
Stair case photo shoot :) 

I am so happy we did this and I can cross film festival off my bucket list... well until Canne :)

Miss you all.. 

Rick and McKenzie 

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